TTX and CyberDrill for independent institutions, the Water Sector, AKSHI and the State Police


20.12.2023 - 22.12.2023    
9:30 am - 1:30 am

Event Type

In continuation of AKCESK’s objective of increasing capacities as one of the main pillars for the protection of information infrastructures with the support of our partner Risi Albania/Helvetas and the valuable contribution of the Authority’s experts, held on December 20, 21 and 22, 2023, the anticipated training on “Cyber Security Policies and Crisis Management” for Independent Institutions, the UK Sector, ANA and the State Police.



For the very importance that these sectors have in terms of the information infrastructures they manage, during this three-day training, presentations were made regarding the legal framework, strategy, policies, the necessary security measures that must be taken by the information infrastructures and the needs for cyber governance.


An important part of this training was the development of three different TTX scenarios for cyber incident management. Also, 2 days of cyber training (Cyber Drill) were held with concrete exercises on cyber incident management, via the platform.


In fulfillment of the objectives to achieve international standards in the field of cyber security, AKCESK will continue to organize training for all sectors that administer critical and important information infrastructures in order to build a sustainable cyber ecosystem in Albania.


TTX and CyberDrill for the Financial and Insurance sector